by Teenage Detective | Aug 26, 2012 | Nancy Drew Research Institute
Here at the Nancy Drew Research Institute we are first and foremost scientists. Our jaws dropped when we heard the foul stupidity regarding legitimate rape spewing from the maw of Senator Todd Akin. Our jaws dripped when we heard “certain secretions”....
by Teenage Detective | Jul 8, 2012 | Nancy Drew Research Institute
We want to shuffle our feet in shame at the coming to light of the letter from India. We were actually almost completely joking about passing off the important research to underpaid shelf re-stockers in New Delhi. But, you know, there was that 1% chance that we...
by Teenage Detective | Jul 3, 2012 | Nancy Drew Research Institute
Nancy Drew Research Institute Happy Valley, Canada USA Pego Fasil Venkatanarasimha Rubber and Plastic Pipe Store 426 Lalkuan Bazar Road New Delhi, India 110024 Dearest Nancy Drew Research Institute of Happy Valley, A colleague from your venerable temple contacted our...
by Teenage Detective | May 25, 2012 | Nancy Drew Research Institute
We are all fired up and trembly here at the Nancy Drew Research Institute (NDRI). We have come into a bit of a fortune. It went down like this. The head researcher’s strange Aunt Carrie, who has always taken an interest in the work of the Institute, has...
by Teenage Detective | Mar 26, 2012 | Nancy Drew Research Institute
We are soaked in sweat here at the NDRI. Perchance it was the unbelievable number of complicated convergences that were met in the course of parsing ye olde The Clue of the Leaning Chimney. Never too early in the day for a convergence or six, we always say. Honestly...
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